
New Channel Brand Experience explained

Bayer recently took 10 regional seed brands across the country and integrated them into the Channel brand. Brownfield talked with Chris Turner, U.S. Country Division Head for Bayer at Farm Progress Show about what this means for growers.

Turner explained by integrating the 11 brands into one, it unlocks quicker availability and adoption of technology for customers who have been buying through the regional brands. He said there is little to no change in the network that supports the brands and no change in dealer network.

Turner tells Brownfield Bayer is hiring additional agronomists to support the Channel brand. In 2025, Bayer will migrate to a different numbering system for these 11 brands, but will continue to pay tribute to the legacy brands. He said there is over 700 years of experience across the 10 brands which means a lot to the customer base.

Turner says the Bayer pipeline is rich in both seed technology and crop protection, outpacing what he has seen in totality in the 25 years he’s been with the company.

Turner tells Brownfield short stature corn trials are underway on about 300 farms today. He says the technology is game-changing and there will be more on-farm trials next season.

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