Behind the Scenes
NAFB Board meets
As you might have heard (because we were very vocal about it!) Brownfield’s Tom Steever was elected Vice President of The National Association of Farm Broadcasting during the annual convention last fall.
My first NAFB Board Meeting as National Vice President
Last week was the first opportunity for the new National Association of Farm Broadcasting Board of Directors to meet. We gather face to face at least once every quarter and by conference call or some other electronic means as often as is needed. We’re discussing what we refer to as our 5-year strategic plan for the organization, which is important not only because of the group’s history back to the 1940s, but also because it’s necessary to keep such a group vital for its members, farm broadcasters.
I’m fortunate to be one of three members of the Association’s Executive Board, along with Greg Akagi with WIBW Radio and the Kansas Ag Network, who is NAFB President; and Lindsay Hill, NAFB President Elect, with ABN Radio and the Buckeye Ag Radio Network in Ohio. The three of us spent an extra day together videotaping promotional pieces for our annual meeting at the Westin Crown Center Hotel in Kansas City. NAFB was one of the first groups to hold a convention there soon after it opened and we’ve been doing it every November since 1974.
-Tom Steever
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