
Bayer unveils Project Carbonview

Bayer has unveiled Project Carbonview, described as a way for farmers to connect to more sustainable supply chains that benefit their operations will lowering carbon emissions through measuring the carbon footprint.

Sachi Desai, senior director of digital partnerships with Climate Corporation and Bayer, says the pilot project is a digital solution to measure the carbon emitted in the production of ethanol from the farm gate all the way to the ethanol producer, starting with producers’ information.

“Combine that with information of the storer’s handling and then transportation of the grain as well as the information from processing of the grain into ethanol, putting it together and submitting it as an application.”

Desai tells Brownfield Ag News once markets are broadly established farmers would be compensated based on their sustainable practices and share in the financial incentives of low-carbon fuel markets.

He says farmers often don’t get credit for how digitally-enabled they are, “With services and solutions like (Bayer’s Climate) FieldView they’re already capturing at lot of this information already, doing a lot of these things that are considered sustainable and we want to bring that light forward on that and integrate them into the value chain.”

He says Bayer’s Carbonview tool has been built in partnership with Bushel and Amazon Web Services with the goal of submitting the information gathered to low carbon fuel marketplaces, starting with the California Air Resources Board (CARB).

Interview with Sachi Desai ^

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