Managing for Profit

Stine promotes “Twin 20’s”

Conventional 30" corn next to "Twin 20's" corn, south of Shenandoah, Iowa in mid-June

Conventional 30″ corn next to “Twin 20’s” corn, south of Shenandoah, Iowa in mid-June

For several years now, Stine Seed has been conducting research on narrow row, high population corn with a focus on 12-inch rows at 50,000 plants per acre.

Recently, the company modified that strategy by shifting to 12 inch twin rows—with 12 inches between each twin row and eight inches between each twin row set.  They call it “Twin 20’s”.

Back in late May, we stopped by a corn field south of Shenandoah, Iowa that was planted in Twin 20’s and visited with Stine agronomist Dustin Ellis and district sales manager Kathleen Ward.

AUDIO: Dustin Ellis and Kathleen Ward

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