Market News

Cash dairy prices mostly steady to higher Monday

Cash dairy prices were steady to higher Monday on the Chicago Mercantile Exchange except for dry whey. 

Dry whey prices were down $0.0475 at $0.7450. Six sales were recorded, ranging from $0.7450 to $0.77. 

Forty-pound cheese blocks were up $0.0225 at $1.8225. Four sales were recorded, ranging from $1.8025 to $1.8225. 

Cheese barrels were up $0.0025 at $1.73.  Three sales were recorded, ranging from $1.7225 to $1.73. 

Butter was up $0.0350 at $2.50. Ten sales were recorded, ranging from $2.4625 to $2.50. 

Nonfat dry milk remained unchanged at $1.3775. No sales were recorded. 

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