Market News

Friday midday cash livestock prices

Iowa/Minnesota barrows and gilts down 1.29 at 48.21 weighted average on a carcass basis at the plants, west down 1.95 at 47.65, east 1.06 lower at 46.84. Missouri direct base carcass meat price fully steady from 45 to 48. As fast as country hog prices have dropped this week, carcass values have dropped even faster. Packers will remain defensive, even if it means they start out next week with a few less market hogs. Pork trading is at a near standstill.

 Cattle trading and demand is moderate in Kansas today, live sales are 1.00 lower at 81.00. Trading and demand was light to moderate in the Southern Plains Thursday evening at prices 1.00 lower at 81.00. Trading and demand was moderate in Nebraska Thursday afternoon with live sales 1.00 lower at 81.00, and dressed sales 2.00 lower at 130.00. Live sales in Iowa/Minnesota were down 1.00 from 81.00 to 82.00 live and 1.00 to 2.00 lower dressed at 129.00 to 130.00. Boxed beef cutout values at midday are lower, choice beef down .13 at 140.57, and select .09 lower at 133.98.

Feeder cattle receipts at Missouri auctions this week totaled 26,748 head. Feeder steers medium and large 1 and 1-2 weighing 500 to 600 pounds traded from 95.00 to 124.50, 5 to 6 weight heifers from 83.50 to 111.50.

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