Market News

Midday cash livestock markets

It’s a typical start to the week in cash cattle country with quiet business. The bulk of last week’s trade took place mainly on Thursday in the South with live deals marked at mostly $208 – $6 to $7 higher from the previous week. Northern dressed deals took place Thursday and Friday and had a range of $325 to $332 – steady with the previous week.

Boxed beef was higher at midday with Choice up $3.55 at $331.23 and Select up $3.74 at $320.81. The Choice/Select spread was $10.42.

According to Missouri’s weekly cattle auction summary, total receipts across the state were up sharply from the most recent report and nearly even year-over-year. Feeder steers and heifers sold mostly $5 higher with some calves having spots up to $10 higher. The USDA says it was the largest volume week of the year so far. The state’s feeder supply included 55% steers and 58% of the total offering was over 600 pounds. Medium and Large 1 feeder steers 750 to 799 pounds brought $251 to $294.50. Medium and Large 1 feeder heifers 600 to 649 pounds sold for $241 to $306.

Cash hogs are higher with a very light opening negotiated run at the major direct markets. It’s a fairly quiet start to the week, with buyers getting a look at their near-term needs and monitoring demand. Pork was firm at midday but has been inconsistent recently. While global demand for U.S. pork is generally solid, there are concerns about the impact of tariffs against key trading partners on export business.

Barrows and gilts at the National Daily Direct had a minimal head count at midday with no price trend established. The five-day rolling average is $83.84. Other rolling averages across the region include $83.34 for the Iowa/Minnesota and $83.83 for the Western Corn Belt.

Butcher hogs were higher at the Dorchester, Wisconsin and Garnavillo, Iowa markets. Barrows and gilts were $2 higher at $60; slaughter sows were $1 to $24 higher ranging from $51 to $80; boars ranged from $18 to $30.

Pork values were higher at midday – up $.43 at $95.18. Bellies were sharply higher. Ribs and loins were higher. Hams, picnics, and butts were lower.

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