2020 ARC & PLC signups open
Signups for the Ag Risk Coverage program and the Price Loss Coverage program for 2020 are now open.
Farm Service Agency Administrator Richard Fordyce says ARC provides income support payments on base acres when actual crop revenue declines below a guaranteed level, while PLC provides income support payments on base acres when the commodity price falls below its reference price.
Signup for the 2020 crop year will close June 30, 2020, while signup for the 2019 crop year closes March 15, 2020. Fordyce says producers who have not yet enrolled for 2019 can enroll for both years during a single visit to an FSA county office.
Fordyce says FSA is now processing about 1-point-5 billion dollars in payments for 2018 ARC-County (ARC-CO) and PLC on covered commodities that met payment triggers in the 2018 crop year. FSA is anticipating another $1 billion in November once USDA’s publishes additional commodity prices for the 2018 crop.
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