2022 Census of Agriculture counting begins today
Farmers and ranchers can begin filling out the 2022 Census of Agriculture this week.
Joe Prusacki with USDA’s National Ag Statistics Service tells Brownfield beginning today, November 22nd, they’re sending out 2.6 million items of correspondence.
“The census is the only tool available that provides us micro level, down to the county level, information about agriculture.”
He says that micro level data is referenced when making decisions that impact farmers, including creation and implementation of the upcoming farm bill.
“That census information is used a lot in the pre-analysis of the impact of certain things in the farm bill. If we change the cutoff level for a program this can show who it is impacting and where.”
He says even small plots of land, rural or urban, growing fruit, vegetables, or some food animal count, if $1000 or more of the product was raised and sold, or normally would have been sold, during the census year.
Prusacki says all data shared in the census is secure and information about individual entities is never released. He says if you have a stable internet connection, the agency recommends filling out the census online.
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