
2025 begins with questions around pork demand

A swine lending specialist suggests there’s some uncertainty for pork demand in 2025.

Daryl Timmerman with Compeer Financial says consumers could more closely scrutinize food costs.

“I know there’s some trepidation out there as it relates to where the economy is going to go. I think with the new administration coming in, on the export front there’s some discomfort as it relates to a lot of chatter about tariffs and what’s that going to do to our export demand.”

He tells Brownfield the strong value of the U.S. Dollar is a headwind.

“So that’s a question as it relates to the underlying demand there. But it’s been really impressive to seeing the cutout being able to hang in where it is, it’s just been really, really good to see that strong demand being there in place.”

Timmerman, who is currently serving as president of the Minnesota Pork Producers Association, says pork will continue to compete well with other proteins in the meat case.

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