
57% of U.S. corn, 55% of soybeans good to excellent

The USDA’s national corn and soybean condition ratings saw week-to-week improvements. That followed another week of mixed weather in the Midwest and Plains, which did include rain in parts of the region, while other areas remained dry.

As of Sunday, 57% of U.S. corn crop is called good to excellent, 2% above a week ago, with 47% of the crop silking and 7% at the dough making stage, faster than the respective five-year averages.

55% of soybeans are in good to excellent shape, 2% higher, with 56% blooming and 17% at the pod setting stage, both ahead of normal.

Rain in the Plains has delayed winter wheat harvest activity, now at 56%, compared to 69% on average.

51% of spring wheat is in good to excellent condition, 4% higher, and 86% has headed, compared to the usual rate of 83%.

45% of the cotton crop is reported as good to excellent, down 3%, with 64% squaring and 25% setting bolls, slightly slower than average.

73% of rice is seen as good to excellent, 3% lower, and 36% has headed, compared to the five-year average of 29%.

58% of the U.S. sorghum crop is rated good to excellent, a gain of 3% on the week, and 17% is coloring, matching the typical pace.

47% of U.S. pastures and rangelands are good to excellent, unchanged from last week.

The USDA’s weekly crop progress and condition numbers run through the end of November.

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