64% of U.S. corn, 58% of soybeans good to excellent
The USDA says national corn and soybean condition ratings declined slightly over the past week with hot, dry weather an issue in parts of the region. Depending on the severity of the stress, conditions could trim some yield at a time when both crops need trend-line or better yields to meet demand expectations.
As of Sunday, 64% of the U.S. corn crop is in good to excellent shape, down 1% on the week, with 79% of the crop silking, compared to the five-year average of 73%, and 18% at the dough making stage, compared to 17% on average.
58% of soybeans are rated good to excellent, 2% lower, with 76% blooming, compared to 71% on average, and 42% at the pod setting stage, compared to the normal pace of 36%.
84% of U.S. winter wheat is harvested, compared to 81% on average.
Just 9% of U.S. spring wheat is called good to excellent, 2% less than last week, with another 66% in poor to very poor condition, up 3% from a week ago, with 97% of the crop headed, in-line with the average, and 3% harvested, compared to 2% usually in late July.
61% of cotton is in good to excellent condition, up 1%, with 78% squaring, compared to 83% on average, and 37% setting bolls, compared to the usual rate of 42%.
73% of rice reported as good to excellent, 2% above a week ago, with 44% headed, compared to 49% on average.
34% of U.S. pastures and rangelands are good to excellent, 1% higher, with 42% rated poor to very poor, up 2%.
The USDA’s next set of production estimates is out August 12th.
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