
91% of U.S. corn, 94% of soybeans harvested

The end is in sight for the 2024 U.S. corn and soybean harvests. Some areas have seen recent delays, but activity for both crops is well ahead of average due to dry weather for most of the harvest season and the soil moisture recharge is generally welcome.

The USDA says that as of Sunday, 91% of U.S. corn is harvested, compared to the five-year average of 75%, and 94% of soybeans are harvested, compared to 85% on average.

41% of the U.S. winter wheat crop is rated good to excellent, up 3% on the week, with 87% planted and 66% emerged, both slower than the respective normal paces.

63% of cotton is harvested, compared to the usual rate of 54%.

85% of sorghum is harvested, compared to 82% most years in early November.

The USDA’s weekly national crop progress and condition numbers run through the end of the month.

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