Ag issues to monitor in 2025
The head lobbyist for Syngenta says there are several ag issues that need to be prioritized in 2025.
Mary Kay Thatcher says tax reform is near the top of the list. “It’s a massive tax bill. It’s $5 trillion. It’s all kinds of things that affect ag be it death taxes or stepped-up basis or 199-A, etc. I think it’ll move through a reconciliation bill in the first 100 days.”
She says ag labor will be another concern. “Making sure that as the president moves forward with immigration reform and deporting some people that we don’t lose all of our ag labor, the meat packers don’t lose all their ag labor. Certainly, if they came in and they did a mandatory e-verify without anything else we’d be in a world of hurt in agriculture.”
Thatcher says she also expects some movement from the incoming Trump administration on the Waters of the U.S. Rule. She spoke to Brownfield at the 2024 NAFB Convention in Kansas City.
NAFB TRADE TALK INTERVIEW: Syngenta’s Mary Kay Thatcher
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