Agronomist says soil fertility should be a focus in 2025
A Kentucky-based agronomist says prioritizing soil fertility during the economic downturn could benefit farmers in 2025.
Josh Johnston with AgriGold tells Brownfield farmers should start with a soil test.
“It starts with a good quality soil test,” he says. “It’s important to get good representative samples that accurately represent your field.”
He says farmers can make informed decisions on fertilizer by using historical data.
“We’re fertilizing for 25 and we haven’t even planted 25 yet,” he says. “We have no idea what kind of yield to expect. Use your yield maps and compare those to your full course that you put down. Let’s fertilize looking backwards.”
Johnston says with margins expected to be tight again in 2025, farmers should look for ways to increase profitability ahead of the upcoming growing season.
AUDIO: Josh Johnston, AgriGold
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