
Agronomist says US corn crop is a case of “haves and have nots”

An agronomist says corn conditions in the Midwest are all over the board as harvest gets underway.

“It looks to be a case of haves and have-nots this year.”

Mike Toohill with AgriSompo says this year’s US corn crop is going to be quite variable.

“Corn is going to be very good where it is good, like here through most of Illinois. Wisconsin looks pretty good, as do part of Indiana and Ohio.”

But, Toohill says there is a fair amount in poor shape too.

“I’ve been to Nebraska. The dry land corn there was done for in mid-August. Kansas looked awfully rough when I went through there and Missouri is quite variable.”

Toohill is predicting a near-record corn crop in his home state of Illinois.

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