AISWCD launches petition drive over funding cuts
The newly elected president of the Association of Illinois Soil & Water Conservation Districts (AISWCD) says a significant cut in the state’s next budget will have serious impacts.
Dale Shumaker says it directly affects frontline conservation staff.
“This nearly 50% decrease came after three really good funding years, and the problem with this is the districts had gained a little confidence of this higher funding level.” He says, “So, we had actually begun to increase our staff back to where it should have been.”
He tells Brownfield the group is now seeking the public’s support.
“We’re not going to give up on this F-Y ‘25 funding.” He says, “We’re asking for a statewide grassroots petition drive requesting that the $4 million in operations funding be added back in the fall veto session.”
Shumaker says the goal is to send a clear message to lawmakers.
“We want to do as much as we can to show our legislators that we have grassroots support.” He says, “Our constituents are concerned, and are engaged, and active, and are showing support for the districts.”
He says petitions can be found at local Soil & Water Conservation District offices across the state through mid-September.
The Illinois General Assembly veto session is set for mid-November.
AUDIO: Dale Shumaker – Association of Illinois Soil & Water Conservation Districts
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