
Bayer researchers artificially inoculate tar spot

PHOTO: This test plot has been inoculated with tar spot by Bayer Crop Science to help develop new DEKALB and Channel corn products with enhanced tolerance to the disease. Participating in the research are Bayer market development manager Christian Heredia (left) and DEKALB technical agronomist Jim Donnelly.

Bayer Crop Science has announced new advancements in its ability to research tar spot.

The company says its researchers have successfully inoculated tar spot artificially in some field test plots, a key step in helping to gain a deeper understanding of how to manage the disease.

DEKALB technical agronomist Jim Donnelly tells Brownfield the ability to create tar spot’s field conditions can help the company identify new corn hybrids with enhanced tolerance. “For years we really haven’t had a really reliable way to induce disease in our trials.”

Donnelly says reports of tar spot in the Midwest have picked up steam in recent years. “This will be the 10th season that the US has had to deal with tar spot.”

Channel technical agronomist Cody Hornaday says farmers need to continue their core management practices. “Farmers still need to scout fields. You’ve still got to monitor weather conditions and be ready to apply a fungicide.”

Hornaday says Bayer’s fungicide portfolio includes Delaro Complete, which features three modes of action for providing consistent control of major corn and soybean diseases, including tar spot.

AUDIO: DEKALB technical agronomist Jim Donnelly

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