Bednarski reflects on presidency
The President of the Michigan Farm Bureau is retiring after a decade leading the state’s largest farm organization.
Carl Bednarski tells Brownfield Michigan Farm Bureau has been and will continue to be a voice for farmers in the state.
“We need to send the message of how we grow their food and why we grow it the way we do to those non-farm ag people that have been removed from the farm now for multiple generations,” he says. “We need to educate.”
The Tuscola County farmer says the changes in industry during his tenure have been remarkable.
“Autosteer now is a thing of the past,” he says. “Everyone has it now. You’re looking at different things in planner technology, the data collection, and using all that in conjunction to make life easier, and to grow a crop with less inputs and the same yield.”
Bednarski says he’s thankful for the time he had to serve the farmers and looks forward to returning to the family farm to work with his sons.
Brownfield interviewed Bednarski during this week’s Michigan Farm Bureau State Annual Meeting.
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