
Biofuels can help meet net-zero emissions

The Biden administration is moving forward on climate priorities and Growth Energy CEO Emily Skor says biofuels have an important role to play in reducing the transportation sector’s impact on climate.

She tells Brownfield the only way to achieve a net-zero emissions future is to use all available tools, including biofuels.

“That’s the conversation we’re having with lawmakers and policymakers to make sure they understand the science behind the modern ethanol industry,” she says. “We are a tool available today that can be used in all of the cars on the road and it’s affordable for all communities. So we just want to make sure that we are included as a ready tool to start further reducing greenhouse gas emissions.”

A recent study, led by scientists from Harvard University, Tufts University, and Environmental Health and Engineering Inc., found that greenhouse gas emissions from corn ethanol are 46 percent lower than gasoline.

“That’s a nearly 50 percent benefit,” she says. “So, an easy first step is let’s get every driver on the road using an E15 fuel with a 15 percent blend, you’re going to see an immediate improvement in greenhouse gas reduction.”

Skor says they are looking forward to working with the new administration to meet these climate goals.

Audio: Emily Skor, Growth Energy

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