
Carbon dioxide availability a big issue for turkey industry

Carbon dioxide is a big issue for the turkey industry.

Minnesota turkey breeder Butch Brey of Sleepy Eye says CO2 is used in turkey processing and availability is critical to protecting food safety.

“Preventing bacteria, preserving quality and freshness because it is in the chilling process, and it’s partly an animal welfare issue as well. And it does extend shelf-life of products.”

Brey is the president of the Minnesota Turkey Research and Promotion Council and recently took part in a policy fly-in to Washington D.C. He tells Brownfield lawmakers were surprised to learn carbon capture programs are driving up prices and limiting supplies.

“The surprised look (is the reaction from) some of the people we have talked to and heard this. (They) didn’t realize it was such a big issue for our industry.”

National Turkey Federation vice chairman John Zimmerman, a turkey grower from Northfield, Minnesota, testified before a House subcommittee earlier this year, where he asked Congress to consider the supply chain disruptions caused in part by tax incentives for carbon sequestration. 

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