
Challenging farmers to think outside the box

Indiana’s Livestock, Forage, and Grain Forum is just a few weeks away. 

Indiana Soybean Alliance Communications Director Megan Kuhn says the event begins with three dynamic speakers that cover information important to livestock, forage, and grain producers.  David Hughes, a global food trends expert, will begin the morning session with his assessment of the upcoming trends in food demand.

From there, Kuhn tells Brownfield they move into the Weather Whisper, Evelyn Browning-Garriss, a world-renowned historical climatologist.  “She will look at the trends in weather, from the volcanic eruptions in the arctic to the wind patterns across the globe to examine the weather patterns,” she says.  “It gives us a good idea what to expect, not just next year, but 10 and 20 years down the road.”

The morning session wraps up with Food Economist Tyler Cowen, who will focus on how agriculture can continue to feed the growing population with the increase in what he calls “food snobbery”. 

Kuhn says as a sponsor of the morning sessions – the Indiana Soybean Alliance looks for speakers that are thought-provoking “to challenge farmers and participants to think more broadly when it comes to what they do every day.”

The Livestock, Forage, and Grain Forum is February 11, 2013. 

Pre-registration is required.  A link to registration information can be found HERE.

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