
Chevron REG president says biofuels are the answer to reducing emissions

The new president of Chevron Renewable Energy Group says the energy industry should be producing more biofuels to help reduce carbon emissions.

Kevin Lucke also farms in western Iowa. “When you think about Chevron, traditionally it’s been a petroleum fuel business,” he said. “As the time has come over the last several years, we really believe that the future of energy is lower carbon, which is biofuels of course.”

During the recent Farm Progress Show in Boone, Iowa, he told Brownfield the group has committed to producing 100,000 barrels of renewable fuels per day by 2030. “What’s really neat about biodiesel, renewable diesel and ethanol is that you can use those in existing engines,” Lucke said. “We don’t have to wait for 20 years to build out an electrical network. We can use those biofuels today.”

Chevron acquired Ames-based Renewable Energy Group in June in a $3 billion deal.

AUDIO: Kevin Lucke, Chevron Renewable Energy Group

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