
Commodity group collaboration aims to maximize checkoff dollars

Illinois commodity groups are partnering on several projects to help maximize the value of their members’ checkoff dollars.

Illinois Pork Producers Association Executive Director Jennifer Tirey tells Brownfield many pork and beef producers are also corn and soybean farmers, so combining checkoff funds makes sense.

“Hogs are one of grain’s best customers and so even if we didn’t have some shared membership, we have a relationship as far as relying on each other.”

For example, she says the Illinois Corn Growers Association helps fund IPPA retail campaigns.

“So that we can help educate consumers about the different benefits of consuming pork and beef. Their dollars help us leverage the message even further and get more of our product into those grocery store carts.”

Illinois Beef Association Executive Vice President Josh St. Peters tells Brownfield they have a similar relationship with other state commodity groups, which helps benefit cattleman across the state.

“The partnership of those checkoff dollars with other commodity group equates to an investment that elevates everything. A rising tide lifts all ships here.”

To hear more about commodity group partnerships from Tirey and St. Peters listen to these recent episodes of IL Corn Connection: Pork Power Partnership and Sustainability Messaging to Non-farmers.

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