
Conditions right for tar spot

Many corn farmers are actively scouting for tar spot.

Corteva Agriscience market development specialist Ron Geis says the crop disease thrives in wet and cloudy conditions.

“If you have had tar spot in the past, (the disease would be) lower in the canopy as residue that contains tar spot can splash up and move up the plant. Or if you’ve not had it in the past, simply start looking in the upper canopy as the wind will blow tar spot into your field.”

If tar spot is identified, he recommends a foliar fungicide application.

“That typically takes place at tassel or a just a little bit beyond as a first application. And if the situation is severe, a second application may be necessary.”

Geis says tar spot is a relatively new corn disease that has made an east to west progression now into Nebraska and the Dakotas.

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