
Cool, wet weather slows Wisconsin fieldwork

Most Wisconsin farmers are waiting for the weather to cooperate before getting into the fields.

One of them is Zeb Zuehls who raises corn, soybeans, and alfalfa in Marquette County.  He tells Brownfield field conditions are not right for planting yet. “We finally don’t have snowfall again but rain is in the forecast and it looks like we’ll be sitting another week yet before we venture out on the field to do anything.”

And Zuehls says he’s waiting for the ground to warm up a bit before planting. “Just looking at the ten-day forecast, I mean, that’s going to put us into the middle of the month here and we’re still not seeing any drastic warmups so right now for me, it’s the last week of April hopefully or ideally the first week of May as it is every year.”

Zuehls says he’s sticking with a roughly 60-40 mix of corn and beans and he has several acres of alfalfa and small grains.  He is hoping Mother Nature brings more midsummer rain instead of repeating last year’s dry summer followed by just-in-time rains.

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