
Crop-based biofuels at a disadvantage for SAF production

A leader with Clean Fuels Alliance America says concerns about potential requirements for sustainable aviation fuel feedstocks derived from crops are well-founded.

Kurt Kovarik suggests there’s an anti-corn ethanol agenda as the Biden administration develops guidance for the emerging SAF market.

“In this whole process there’s been, when we started the construction of this bill in Congress with the IRA, there was an inherent bias against crop-based biofuels. And that primarily came from environmentalists.”

He tells Brownfield climate-smart ag practices will help improve the carbon intensity score of crop-based biofuels, but possible penalties attributed to indirect land use changes are concerning.

“Or any indirect change. The assumption that producing the crop and using the crop for the production of fuel thereby has some indirect effect somewhere halfway across the globe.”

Kovarik says there’s no need for new modeling because there’s 15 years of domestic renewable fuels data proving no indirect land use changes occurred because of biofuels.

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