
CRP enrollment opens Monday

USDA’s Farm Service Agency is opening up enrollment in the Conservation Reserve Program. Administrator Richard Fordyce explains, “We’ve got special announcement, I think, that a lot of folks have been anxiously awaiting and that is the announcement that we are going to initiate sign-up for both continuous and general CRP beginning on December 9th.”

The 2018 Farm Bill lifted the cap of 22 million acres, the amount enrolled today, to 27 million.

The upcoming enrollment is the first for general CRP in four years, and Minnesota FSA director Joe Martin reminds landowners it’s a competitive signup.

“It is a bidding process so you’ll have to, basically, say how much you’re willing to accept.”

CRP applications can be submitted December 9th through February 28, 2020.

Brownfield’s Mark Dorenkamp contributed to this story~

USDA conference call with Administrator Richard Fordyce

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