
CWT starting 3rd herd retirement of ’09

A third dairy herd retirement this year has begun through Cooperatives Working Together. The CWT says all bids must be postmarked no later than October 15th. It will be the fourth herd retirement since late 2008. A total of 226,000cows have been removed so far from the nation’s dairy herds. National Milk Producers Federation president Jerry Kozak says the efforts have “helped adjust the supply of milk more in line with demand.” He says the third herd retirement this year should stabilize the global economy and “further accelerate the recovery in dairy farmers’ prices.”

As in previous rounds, the maximum bid the CWT will consider is $5.25 per hundredweight of milk. Following the bid process, farm audits are expected to begin the first week of November and wrap up by early December.

Cooperatives Working Together

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