
December milk production down slightly

U.S. milk production was down slightly in December. 

USDA’s National Ag Statistics Service says production in the 24 major producing states totaled 18 billion pounds, down four-tenths of a percent from December 2023.  The revised November production was 17.3 billion pounds, down three-tenths of a percent from the previous year.

Fourth quarter milk production overall was down one-tenth of a percent at 55.5 billion pounds.

The number of milk cows in the 24 major dairy states was 8.91 million head, up 17-thousand from a year ago, but eight thousand head fewer than November 2024.  Production per cow averaged 2,020 pounds in December, eleven pounds less than a year ago.

Michigan continues to have the highest milk-per-cow average with 2,290 pounds with Colorado in second place with 2,190 pounds per cow.  California remains the top producer with 2.99 billion pounds of milk produced.  Wisconsin is second with 2.59 billion pounds of milk produced.  Texas is third with 1.42 billion pounds produced.

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