
“Dusty” used to describe harvest in west central Minnesota

A west-central Minnesota farmer recently completed a dry harvest.

Nathan Collins grows corn, soybeans, alfalfa, and does some custom forage harvesting near Murdock.  He says it’s been a dusty fall.

“We’ve been accustomed to figuring out how to scrape mud off roads and deal with sticky situations, but this year we went back and forth and very smooth. Yields were surprising, but conditions were great.”

He tells Brownfield the growing season started out wet, then turned hot and dry.

“The roots seemed to follow the moisture down, then we had a timely rain in August so it made for a good soybean crop. The corn held on and came back to where we were kind of hoping it would be at above average probably.”

Collins is concerned about a lack of soil moisture for next year and says they are leaving more residue on top to help hold any moisture they get between now and planting.

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