Effort to get more milk in the military renewed
A Wisconsin Congressman has renewed his efforts to get more milk on the military menu.
Former Navy Seal and 3rd District Republican Derrick Van Orden’s first bill of the 119th Congress is the Strengthening Service Members with Milk Act. If passed, the Secretary of Defense would be required to provide fluid or powdered milk to members of the Armed Forces at military installation dining facilities. Van Orden says, ““Milk is a vital source of nutrients, and our men and women of the Armed Forces should have access to this essential dietary resource to maintain their health and readiness.”
The bill gives the Defense Department many options including whole, low-fat, fat-free, organic, and flavored milks, but does prohibit the Secretary from purchasing milk products from a foreign adversary.
The bill’s co-sponsors include House Ag Committee Chair Glenn GT Thompson from Pennsylvania, Trent Kelly from Mississippi, Don Bacon from Nebraska, Doug LaMalfa from California, and Mark Messmer from Indiana. The legislation will be assigned to a House committee for consideration.
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