
EPA official anticipates fewer 2018 dicamba problems

Jim Gulliford

An EPA administrator expects fewer dicamba-related problems next growing season.

Region 7 Administrator Jim Gulliford says, “I think that we’re going to see a much more successful use of the product in, again, in soybeans and cotton this next year.”

Gulliford says new application guidelines should help.  “We’re putting new restrictions on its timing, its use, the conditions, for example, wind speed under which it can be used.”

Gulliford says proper applicator training is also important.  “The better we do, again, of educating applicators, farmers, and anybody who uses it, the more effective its going to be for their intended purpose, in other words, it’s going to solve their weed and pest problems but also it’s going to be safer for use and avoid drift problems.”

Gulliford believes producers are working to avoid dicamba-related problems in the 2018 growing season.

He spoke with Brownfield in Kansas City during the National Association of Farm Broadcasting convention.

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