
Expanded use of E15 benefits farmers

Expanded availability and use of E15 will benefit farmers, consumers, and the environment, according to Kim Reddin with the Colorado Corn Administrative Committee.

“It’s a win for consumers because it’s good for our engines— higher octane gives more power to the engine and it burns cleaner, so you don’t run the risk of having any engine trouble. Americans have driven more than 20 billion miles on E15 without a single reported case of engine damage or poor performance,” she says. “It’s also a great win for the environment—corn is a renewable plant. It’s naturally high in octane and reduces tailpipe emissions up to 50 percent. And then of course another win is that it’s grown here and produced here so it helps our local economy.”

She says those benefits will be seen in the Kansas City metro area with the recent approval of year-round sales of E15. This month, the EPA announced the removal of the low Reid Vapor Pressure gasoline requirements in the area.

“(Kansas City) was one of the few in the Midwest that hadn’t embraced year-round E15 yet,” she says. “There are more opportunities, I think, for consumers to look for the blue hose and put E15 in their tank.”  

Reddin says ethanol is a tool available now to address climate issues.

“I think that’s one of the things I love the most about it — it’s a here and now opportunity for us to clean the air and put something really great in our gas tank that burns cleaner and is good for our engine,” she says.

Nine out of 10 cars on the road are E15 approved.

Click here or here more information.

Audio: Kim Reddin

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