
Farm program changes suggested at hearing

A panel of 10 Kansas farmers testified at last week’s farm bill hearing in Manhattan, Kansas.

It’s likely the ARC and PLC programs will continue in the next farm bill, but farmers and lenders are calling for some changes to those commodity programs.

At last week’s farm bill hearing in Manhattan, Kansas, Kansas Soybean Association president Lucas Heinen said one of their big concerns is the disparity in ARC payments between counties.

“We do need to change the yields used under the program from NASS data to RMA data, when available, to minimize county-to-county discrepancies,” Heinen said.

Elkhart, Kansas banker Shan Hanes said producers need to receive their program payments in the same marketing year.

“This has caused an issue for lenders as well as producers as we cannot properly account for their payments as part of their loan repayment strategy,” said Hanes.

Producers also need the ability to make elections on their farm programs on a yearly basis, Hanes said.

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