
Farmer forward marketing little grain with planting concerns

A Western Cornbelt farmer is navigating the best way to market grain amid a late planting season.

Missouri Soybean Association President Matt Wright tells Brownfield he’s forward sold little grain.

“It always makes me nervous to start getting into a spring like this where you start looking at yield deficiency because of planting dates,” he said. “And it, kind of, makes you nervous to forward sell very much.”

The Marion and Shelby County farmer said he’s only had about a day and a half dry enough to plant corn and hasn’t started on soybeans.

Wright said he sold some $6 corn well ahead of this growing season which he said was a good price at the time…

“And then when it comes up another dollar and a half or $2 you think ‘wow, what could I have gotten’,” he said. “But we just have to make the decision at the time and go with it and then not look back.”

Wright said he’ll start to worry about corn yield loss after the second week of May and loss for late planted soybeans at the end of May.

Matt Wright Interview

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