Farmer retains soil moisture with cover crops
Pictured: Stanton, Iowa farmer Mark Peterson at the 2025 Practical Farmers of Iowa conference in Des Moines (Photo by Brent Barnett/Brownfield)
A southwest Iowa farmer says he’s cautiously optimistic about soil conditions heading into spring.
Mark Peterson farms near Stanton and represents Practical Farmers of Iowa. “We did get some moisture in the fall. We’re okay,” he said. “I’ve haven’t actually heard just where we’re at, but my gut feeling says that while we’re okay, I find it hard to believe that we could be back to normal.”
He tells Brownfield the usage of cover crops has helped retain soil moisture. “We have raised our organic matter over a full percentage point,” Peterson said. “Every percent that you raise your organic matter gives you an extra inch or water holding capacity.”
Peterson says they have also reduced erosion on his farm. “We’re running cereal rye behind pretty much all of our corn acres before soybeans. We’ve been doing that for 10 years.”
He spoke to Brownfield at the recent Practical Farmers of Iowa annual conference in Des Moines.
The full interview can be found below.
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