
Farmers and Hunters Feeding the Hungry

Talk to food banks across the country and the story is the same, their need for food is growing.

One group that is helping provide local food banks with needed protein is Farmers and Hunters Feeding the Hungry (FHFH), a nationwide organization. Bill Knapke is the FHFH coordinator in Mercer County Ohio.

“At times there is an excess of venison in the freezers and there’s people that have the ability to harvest more deer than they can consume or use, so rather than some of that being wasted, if we could get that to the food banks that would be a win-win situation,” said Knapke.

As the county coordinator, Bill’s role is to raise funds to cover the cost of the processing, funds that in Ohio are then matched

“We are fortunate in Ohio, the Ohio Department of Natural Resources (ODNR), Division of Wildlife matches and funds that are donated locally,” Knapke said. “So if we get a donation of $500, then Division of Wildlife matches that so then we’ve got $1,000 to use locally to cover the cost of processing.”

Audio: Bill Knapke, Mercer Co. Ohio, Farmers and Hunters Feeding the Hungry (3:00 mp3)

To learn more about Farmers and Hunters Feeding the Hungry, go here.

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