
Farmers invited to EPA, Army WOTUS roundtables

The EPA and Army Corps of Engineers is requesting nominations for roundtable participants, including farmers and ag groups, for regional discussions on the Waters of the U.S.

Missouri Corn and Soybean’s Environmental Director Darrick Steen says agriculture’s message in the roundtable discussions will likely be the same across regions.

“We want a WOTUS rule that, ultimately, doesn’t add additional regulatory burden or regulatory risk,” he said. “Those are, sort of, two different things placed onto our farmers.”

Steen says farmers have ‘nothing to lose’ in participating in EPA’s WOTUS discussions. He tells Brownfield ag groups want to avoid the federal government having control over ditches and streams that only flow after rain events.

“We’re not saying that they’re not important to protect, we’re just saying it’s unnecessary for the federal government to regulate those because the state already does,” Steen said.

Roundtable nomination letters must be emailed to the EPA by November 3rd.

Darrick Steen Interview

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