
FFA members critical to agriculture industry

Leaders in the agriculture industry say FFA members are critical to the future of agriculture’s workforce.

Mark Poeschl, CEO of the National FFA Organization says FFA one in five jobs in the United States relate to agriculture and FFA is a great launching point.

“For us to have an opportunity to touch so many young people and develop the next generation of leaders, in fact grow leaders, is a tremendous opportunity and a responsibility that we don’t take lightly,” he says.

Audio: Mark Poeschl, National FFA Organization 

Jane Ade Stevens, CEO of Indiana Corn Marketing Council and Indiana Soybean Alliance, tells Brownfield that FFA members make an impact in agriculture around the world.

“This is where our leaders come from in the food, fiber, and fuel industry,” she says. “They are absolutely critical to our success.”

Audio: Jane Ade Stevens, Indiana Corn Marketing Council and Indiana Soybean Alliance 

Indianapolis officially kicked off its welcome to the National FFA Convention and Expo with a celebration on Thursday.

The convention kicks off next Tuesday and runs through Saturday, October 28.

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