Focus on proven agronomy in downturn
The outreach agronomist with the Illinois Soybean Association says farmers should focus on proven agronomic practices during the economic downturn.
Stephanie Porter says many farmers are looking at cost saving measures next season.
“I guess most importantly, there’s a lot of possibly biased agronomy recommendations out there.” She says, “We’ve really been talking through, you know, back to the basics on what to focus on agronomy wise.”
She tells Brownfield soil testing to ensure proper soil pH is vital.
“If you don’t have that correct, then you’re going to be possibly messing up a lot of different things on your farm.” She says, “Whether it be weed control, or nitrogen use efficiency, or basically your soil health overall.”
Porter says maximizing nutrient efficiency and minimizing tillage passes can also help the bottom line. As for weed control, she says, “That’s something that you do not want to skimp on.”
Porter says increased in-season scouting can also help farmers make more targeted, budget-friendly applications of pesticides and fungicides.
AUDIO: Stephanie Porter – Illinois Soybean Association
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