
Food industry wants harmonized labeling amongst states

A spokesperson with the North American Millers’ Association says California’s Proposition 65 is creating labeling challenges for the food industry much like GMOs.

VP of government and technical affairs Dale Nellor tells Brownfield the California law would require cancer warnings for wheat, oats and even baked goods, which has many food companies grappling with how to label from state to state.  “It is a challenge not only from the policy itself but also the fact that you have one state within the United States that has a very specific rule and regulation that’s different from the other states.”

He says there should be harmonization with food labeling laws like what is being done with biotech labeling.

A federal judge in California last week upheld a temporary injunction on California’s Proposition 65 which would have required a cancer warning label on glyphosate and products with residue from the herbicide beginning in July.

Nellar says residue levels determined in the proposition are widely debated and many groups counter not based on current science.

AUDIO: Brownfield interview with Dave Nellor during Michigan Wheat Program summer field day

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