
Glenn: data and research critical to agriculture

The CEO of the National Association of State Departments of Agriculture (NASDA) says data and research are critical to agriculture.

Barb Glenn says “agriculture relies on data, we’re a data-driven sector and we need the best available data, it needs to be verifiable, and it needs to be as current as possible.”

Glenn spoke during a recent webinar by the National Coalition for Food and Agricultural Research.  

“Innovation and discovery for food and agriculture drive us more in this direction,” she says. “The trends in data science, digital solutions, precision ag and traceability, and artificial intelligence simply mean that for the future of agriculture we’re going to be relying on data for farms of all sizes and farmers of all types. So indeed, agriculture relies unbiased, credible, objective, statistical information.”

Glenn also outlined some NASDA policy priorities for 2021 including food safety and food systems, climate resiliency, international trade, workforce development, and infrastructure. She says every priority and its solution depend on having sound information, data, and facts.

NASDA represents the elected and appointed commissioners, secretaries, and directors of the departments of agriculture in all 50 states and four U.S. territories.

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