
Hagler tells MO FFA students to keep embracing technology

Missouri Department of Agriculture Director John Hagler Missouri FFA membership is at an all time high with more than 24-thousandmembers and more than 8-thousand are expected to attend this week’s convention. The theme of this year's convention is "Change the Future – Make a Difference!." Steven Rogers, Missouri FFA executive secretary tells Brownfield a dozen new chapters have joined in the past 2years bringing the total of chapters to 317 in Missouri. At the opening session on Thursday, Missouri Department of Agriculture Director John Hagler told the FFA students to take out their cell phones and wave them and keep using them, keep texting, keep “Facebooking”, keep embracingtechnology. Hagler says these students are the future of agriculture and the future of agriculture embraces innovation. He says the GPS is going to control a lot of what they do in the future Hagler says technology will afford these students new ways in agriculture not known yet today. He encouragedthe students to also embrace best business practices and best management practices for production agriculture and all that ag entails. Hagler tells Brownfield, “These kids are so bright and they are the future and FFA is a great organization that teaches the right values and the rightresponsibility. And you take that kind of talent with values and responsibility, you’re gonna have a fantastic organization. I’m not surprised they’re setting a record with membership.”

Missouri 2008/2009 FFA State SecretaryBeverley Kreul of Republic Missouri 2008/2009 FFA State Secretary Beverley Kreul of Republic tells Brownfield thousands of students are participating in the convention this year. Kreul says, “At the first session we had a little over 3-thousand, but by the time Fridaynight rolls around there’s going to be upwards of eight, nine-thousand students packed here in the Hearnes Arena.”

Proficiency awards were handed out to Missouri FFA students and today awards will be given in the public speaking finals.

The2009/2010 state FFA officers will be installed this afternoon.

For a running list of award winners, click on the link below.

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