
Highly pathogenic avian influenza cases have producers on high alert

The recent uptick of highly pathogenic avian influenza across the state of Indiana has producers on high alert to curb the spread of the virus.

Denise Derrer Spears with Indiana’s State Board of Animal Health says more than a six mile barrier is put in place immediately following a positive test result. Commerical poultry operations and dairy producers in that radius are notified and all livestock are tested.

“Products, birds, and animals that are moving in and out of that area need to be done under a permit, and that requires a negative test before those eggs can move on a truck shipment or something like that,” she says. “Testing is happening on a regular basis.”

She tells Brownfield there are consumer concerns about the safety of poultry products for consumption.

“The birds are tested before the products are shipped and before eggs are shipped, and so of course anything that would test positive with a detection of H5N11 is diverted and it doesn’t make it into the food supply,” she says. “Your poultry and egg products at the grocery store are safe to eat.”

Derrer Spears says improving biosecurity measures will help prevent the virus from entering commercial facilities.

Avian influenza does not present a food safety risk.  Indiana is a leading producer of poultry, eggs, and poultry products.  It ranks first in duck production, third in eggs, third in commercial turkey production, and produces a significant number of broilers. 

BOAH also reminds dairy producers to be vigilant in their surveillance. According to rules established by the USDA, lactating dairy cattle must have a negative test before interstate movement.  The department has also expanded surveillance through testing milk at the farm or processor level to establish the health status of herds, as well as states. 

For more information, click HERE

Brownfield interviewed Derrer Spears at the 2025 Indiana Dairy Forum.

AUDIO: Denise Derrer Spears, BOAH

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