How to express concern for struggling farmers
A rural mental health specialist is hearing from people who don’t know how to express concern for farmers under a lot of stress.
Emily Wilmes is director of the University of Minnesota’s Rural Stress Task Force.
“That’s question I get asked a lot of how to express concern for somebody, or what to do when you want to say something. We never want to hurt anybody’s feelings, and sometimes it can be hard because it’s a really uncomfortable conversation at times to tell somebody you’re worried about them. Or especially that you think they might need some help.”
Speaking to Brownfield at last week’s Minnesota Cattle Industry Convention, she encourages an open line of communication.
“A lot of times when people aren’t in good mental health they feel really alone and isolated. So just by approaching them and asking how they’re doing or expressing your concern, that acknowledgement can really offer them a lot of relief.”
Wilmes says asking a simple question like “What do you want me to know about what you’re going through?” can help someone who’s struggling and isn’t sure how to talk about it.
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