
Illinois corn and soybean emergence well ahead of average

Illinois crops are sprouting earlier than average this planting season.

As of Sunday, the USDA reports 59% of corn had emerged compared to 40% at this time last year and 48% averaged over the past 5 years. Similarly, 40% of soybeans have emerged compared to just 19% at this time last year and 16% on average.

Planting also remains ahead of average with 86% of corn and 74% of soybeans in the ground.

Cattle and grain farmer Scott Wetzell of Tampico in the northwest part of the state says those numbers match up for his area.

“Planting has definitely been hot and heavy here as weather has allowed. I think a lot of guys are in the home stretch. I know I have seen numerous guys that are finished up and starting to put the machinery away and just keeping our fingers crossed that we don’t have to drag it back out and patch in any spots.”

The weather has been beneficial for winter wheat across the state as well. USDA rates the Illinois winter wheat crop 83% good to excellent with 85% of the crop headed, nearly 20 percentage points ahead of average.

Statewide temperatures last week averaged nearly 10 degrees below normal with precipitation a half inch below average.  About 10% of topsoil is considered short to very short.

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