
Illinois, Iowa farmers outline harvest expectations

Yield expectations are mixed bag as corn and soybean harvest gets underway in the Midwest.

Western Illinois farmer Matt Swanson says harvest will likely kick off in the next week and he’s not sure what to expect.

“We’ve got crops that didn’t emerge well because of dryness. We’ve got crops that emerged fantastic and then got tangled up that are now almost laying on the ground. So as far as yield expectations, I don’t have any because I have no idea what we’re going to get into.”

Central Illinois farmer Brendan Bogner says he is closer to two weeks out and crops in general look good.

“I don’t think it’s going to be last year’s yield, but I think we’re probably looking around the 220 bpa on corn maybe and hopefully 65 to 70 bpa on some of our beans.”

Eastern Iowa farmer Jeff Samuelson says recent hot, dry weather has robbed some top end yield, especially from soybeans.

“We don’t have any beans that are even close to harvest, so I’m hopeful if we can catch some rain, we’ll improve those a touch. I think the corn will be within 5 bushels of last year, I hope in the 235 to 240 range.”

Samuelson says he is about three weeks away from harvest.

Brownfield interviewed Swanson, Bogner and Samuelson at FMC’s At-Plant event in Pontiac, Illinois on Friday.

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