
Increasing demand for Indiana commodities through shipping

The CEO of Indiana Corn and Soybean says growing exports through container shipping will provide long-term benefits to the state’s farmers.

Courtney Kingrey says the goal is to increase demand.

“We see that there’s an opportunity to triple the amount of containerized commodity products going out and by doing that, every one of those containers that goes out and not only takes additional product and ships it, but then you most of the time it’s additional premium,” she says.

She tells Brownfield increased exports will help provide price support.

“Through that demand and through those exports, that gives the greatest impact to price elasticity to commodity farm gate prices here in this state, which therefore has the longest term impact to improving prices,” she says.

Kingrey says the biggest opportunity is in growing relationships in southeast Asia, which could bring in an additional $2 million in revenue to Indiana farmers.

Brownfield spoke to Kingrey at the Indiana Ag Policy Summit about how to increase demand for Indiana corn and soybeans.

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