
INFB leaders in action discuss ag issues with elected officials

Southern Indiana farmer Bob Geswein was part of a group of farmers that met with elected officials in D.C. to discuss ag issues the face on the farm.

“Farm Bill because it’s coming up for renewal, and the other one being taking broadband to the last customer in the rural area because the rural area is so poorly served by broadband and it’s become such a necessity for life and to operate these farm especially with the high tech equipment we have,” he says.

Farmers met with Indiana senators Todd Young and Joe Donnelly, and Indiana representatives Susan Brooks, Larry Buschon, Trey Hollingsworth, Luke Messer, and Todd Rokita.

Geswein tells Brownfield the Indiana Farm Bureau Leaders in Action program helped farmers learn how to engage with elected officials for the betterment of agriculture.

“We’re talking people who are on the farm, back home, actually raising the crops or feeding the livestock, and giving the opportunity, along with some training, to be confident and competent in meeting with legislators to be effective,” he says.

Members accepted into the annual program learn about working with local elected officials. The final step of the program is a trip to Washington, D.C. where they discuss legislative priorities.

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Audio: Bob Geswein, Indiana Farm Bureau


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